Low-Waste Tips During a Pandemic

Low Waste Tips During a Pandemic

Throughout the twists and turns of COVID-19 and living during this global pandemic, our top priority as a company is the health and safety of our community. However, if you have the space and desire to lower day-to-day waste during this time, we wanted to provide some easy tips that can be integrated into your daily routine.

Under COVID-19 protocol, being low waste has become an even bigger challenge than it was before.

But do not fear! It is still possible.

The low waste journey is all about progress over perfection, so here are some actionable tips to help lower your plastic use while remaining healthy and safe.

Still bring your reusable bags and containers with you and get creative!

  • Since the start of COVID-19, many stores don't allow personal, reusable bags into the store. However, you can still refuse the single-use bags and instead load your groceries back into your cart after your check-out and load them into your reusable bags at your car.
  • Similarly, at many coffee shops you can't use your personal mugs anymore. But don't let this stop you from supporting your favorite local coffee shop. Simply bring your own to-go cup, ask for your order 'for here' instead of 'to-go', and then fill your reusable cup yourself when they give you your drink in a coffee mug.  

Create your own sanitizing spray

  • An easy way to avoid the use of harsh chemicals in your home while still keeping things disinfected is by concocting your own sanitizing spray! Not only is it easy, but it’s also effective. Especially on surfaces like doorknobs and light switches that are frequent touch points.


  1.  16 oz of alcohol (70% alcohol or greater) such as rubbing alcohol 
  2. ½ teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide 
  3. Essential oils - the below combination is our go-to, but you can play around with your favorite scents. 
  • 30 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 15 drops lemon essential oil
  • 15 drops lavender essential oil
  • 15 drops eucalyptus essential oil

These essential oils not only smell good, but have antimicrobial properties and are natural disinfectants.


Fill a reusable spray bottle with the alcohol (almost full). Add the hydrogen peroxide and the essential oils. Mix together and you’re ready to disinfect! 

Also check out our DIY hand sanitizer recipe from earlier this summer for another way to stay clean on the go!

Lower food waste

  • Compost! A daily way we can make a difference is through composting our food scraps and food waste. Check out an amazing blog we have about how to create your very own at-home compost.
  • Another way to avoid food waste is to store produce properly to avoid spoilage 
    • You can use a damp produce bag or tea towel to keep herbs and greens crisp and fresh. Store asparagus and carrots in a glass of water. Separate bananas from other fruit to prevent over-ripening.
    • If you have room, it’s helpful to have separate drawers for  fresher produce and older veggies that are closer to going bad. This way you know which ones need to be used first!

      Buy Products in Sustainable Packaging 

    • With bulk bins closed at grocery stores, we're now left looking for eco-friendly ways to get our pantry staples. When buying packaged products, try to look for products in paper, cardboard, glass, or compostable packaging.
    • Check out our everyday essentials we have in compostable packaging

      As always, prioritize your physical and mental health during this time. While you incorporate these tips in your day-to-day, share them with family and friends and help catalyze the low waste movement! 

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