4 Reasons to Eat Organic Foods

4 Reasons to Eat Organic Foods

When purchasing groceries, the foods we buy have lived an entire life before they reach us. These past histories are not easily distinguishable to the naked eye when comparing organic versus conventional vegetables at the market. Nonetheless, these disparate lives hold heavy implications for human and environmental health. To help clear up those discrepancies, we've highlighted four reasons why the next time you're buying foods, you should consider organic.

1. It's better for your health

Organic foods have more antioxidants and fewer pesticides than their conventionally grown counterparts. Antioxidants can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body which is good because inflammation and oxidative stress can causes over 260 diseases. In contrast, conventional foods which contain pesticides and carcinogens, can negatively impact our nervous system. By choosing to rejuvenate our health through what we eat we are preventatively fighting off disease and sickness, lowering healthcare costs and increasing longevity.   

2. It's better for the environment

We can not forget that our food comes from our environment. It is essential to keep in mind agricultural practices to ensure food resources for future generations. Organic farming practices like crop rotation, cover crops, and diversity in crop varieties help enhance soil fertility, all of which fight topsoil erosion. Additionally, organic food systems eliminate synthetic fertilizers and reduce fossil fuels and pesticides. Conventional industrial agriculture is not sustainable for the long term as it's practices degrade the soil do not regenerate the land.

3. It's better for the farmer.

To be environmentally conscious also means considering the well-being of the producer of our food products. Farmers who use non-organic practices experience increased exposure to conventional pesticides which can negatively impact female and male fertility. Farmers also receive economic savings from fewer farm inputs like pesticides and fertilizers. Additionally, in developing countries, organic farming can improve community and household food security. 

4. It tastes better!

We, as humans, depend heavily on our senses. We could easily distinguish whether a product is spoiled simply by its smell and taste. Organic crops avoid heavy nitrogen-based fertilizers and contain more nutrients and antioxidants. Higher levels of antioxidants mean more nutrients for you and more flavor than their conventional counterparts. One study showed that higher antioxidant levels affect food’s organoleptic qualities-taste, aroma, and mouthfeel- and how the human senses detect a food’s unique flavor. Pretty cool that our body recognizes these changes! 

What can we do as consumers?

As one could conclude, organic food is a win, win, win! However, it takes effort to understand this and willingness to make changes. We must also bring to light the very real financial cost differences in organic versus conventional foods and address that it is not feasible for everyone to shop organic, and that is an issue in itself. Check out this Reel on how to buy organic on a budget! The first step is to be educated about what we are putting into our bodies and where our food is coming from.

At Sun & Swell all of our ingredients are USDA certified organic, vegan, and free from any added sugars and preservatives. We are on a mission to reconnect people to real foods that are good for our bodies and the earth. You will find all of our products in compostable, plastic-free packaging ensuring toxicity from plastics is not spread to humans or the earth.

Shop our Organic Pantry Staples like Dried Fruits, Nut & Seeds, and Grains & Legumes to ensure you are putting whole, healthy, non-toxic foods in your body. 



  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24968103/
  • https://www.jrnjournal.org/article/S1051-2276(08)00313-0/fulltext
  • https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-science-and-assessing-pesticide-risks/human-health-issues-related-pesticides
  • https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/organic-foods-are-tastier-and-healthier-study-finds

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