Homemade Lentil Tortilla Wrap

1-Ingredient Homemade Lentil Tortilla Wrap

Watch your tortilla game be transformed before your eyes! This simple, 1 ingredient recipe will elevate your taco Tuesday all while decreasing that long list of ingredients we find too often tagging along with some of our favorite foods. Make homemade tortillas once and you will never go back. These are fluffy and chewy in all the right ways and utilize lentils which are high in protein!

  • 1 Cup Lentils 
  • 2 Cups Water
  • Optional: salt or other spices to add a little extra flavor

Servings: about 10 tortillas



  1. Soak lentils in the 2 Cups of water overnight, room temperature and loosely covered
  2. Pour soaked lentils and the water they were soaked in into a blender, and blend until smooth
  3. Grease a skillet with oil of choice (like coconut oil or avocado oil) so batter doesn't stick.
  4. Pour in 1/4 C batter at a time to make tortilla.
  5. Cook on Medium heat until top of the tortilla starts to cook through, and edges start to bubble, roughly 3 minutes. You'll know it's ready when the tortilla is super easy to flip. 
  6. Flip and cook on other side for about 1 minute, until easy to remove. 
  7. Re-oil the pan in between each tortilla to ensure they don't stick (we use a silicone brush to do this)

Note about cooking tortillas on a skillet: this is basically just like making pancakes! If you've never made pancakes before, know that it might take you a few practice tortillas before you get it right. Also, we've found the first tortilla never comes out that well... for some reason, it doesn't work as well on a super clean skillet, so be prepared for the first one to not look as nice. If you're having trouble getting it to not stick or burn, make sure your heat isn't too high, and that you aren't flipping to early. Be patient - you'll get it right, and eventually it will be super easy for you.

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